Eat less if you don't dance?

Bake ice cream If you've read SPITZ you already know that my - if it existed - eating pattern is not really a good example. If you thought it couldn't get any worse then I will describe my holiday 'routine' in a next book :). On the first day of a vacation...

Get rid of your limiting beliefs in 5 steps

Image: Copyright: Ingeborg Bosch, Past reality integration (PRI) Other dancers are better than me “I'm not good enough. There's something wrong with me. Other dancers are much better than me”, really. If this sounds familiar to you then read...

5 tips to deal with stress

Being on stage is all you want, but when there's an audience watching you it can also create tension. The applause from that same audience afterward is addictive so stopping because of the excitement is not an option, Healthy...


Specialists Dieticians, psychologists and physiotherapists are specialists that dancers usually have access to if they are looking for help. A health coach is something that people in the Netherlands are not yet very familiar with, so this form of guidance and...

Nutrition for dancers

Discover in this free e-book how you need to eat as a dancer to deliver top performance.

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