
I myself usually sit in the sun on New Year's Eve. If you make good intentions on a tropical island, everything looks rosy. If you walk here again at Schiphol in the cold, you have to come from a good family not to immediately shoot into a dip. Fortunately, I know what I need to do to achieve my goals in any climate and I want to teach you the same.


At the end of the year there are always all kinds of lists. What music was listened to the most this year, what kind of clothing trends were there, what is happening in the world. Automatically you often look back at how your year went. You certainly also look ahead, what goals are on your list for 2023? 

Dust-gathering fitness gadgets

Whether you have one or more goals, unfortunately it is often the case that a few weeks or months later the plans fade into the background. All your purchased pilates balls, rings, rollers, yoga mats and you name it are gathering dust in a corner and that great new diet book has already left the kitchen.

How is it possible that, when we have a goal, we are extremely motivated in the beginning and then things often turn out differently? Were the goals unrealistic, did you want results too quickly, did you have no patience. It may also be that you have just gradually fallen back into your old pattern without noticing it. 

Why do good intentions turn out differently?

I'm all for dreaming big. I have, and always will. But sometimes we are so focused on the end goal of the dream that we create more uncertainty and stress, fearing that we won't be able to reach our goal. We have expectations of what New Year's resolutions should look like—losing 10 pounds, eating fewer calories, going to the gym more—but we fail to realize that all of those things entail lifestyle changes. You can't get huge changes without having to do something for it. Looking more at the process instead of the end goal is already something you can start with.


What you can then tackle is having a positive mindset. You hate having the “new year, new me!” trend that bombards us almost every year. You are hard on yourself and also disappointed. It is important that you remain positive.

Instead of "Why can't I do it?" you may also ask yourself, “What can I do to reach my goal this time? How do I stay on track?” In addition to these two points, the tips below can also help you. to stay on track all year round:

  • Take a step back to see the big picture again

Sometimes you get stuck and that ensures that you no longer see the big picture. Take a real look at what you hope to achieve with your set goals. Take a step back and look at it again. Why did you choose these goals at the time, are they still consistent with what you want to achieve? You may see that you need to adjust things and that's fine. Make a vision board for yourself again to see the big picture .

  • Focus on the positives

It's always easier to feel like a failure, especially when you're not hitting the goals you've set. Instead of dwelling on what you haven't accomplished yet, it's very, very important to see what you have done. By focusing on what you did accomplish, you can renew your confidence to get back on track for your original intentions.

  • Break your goal into small manageable chunks

There are goals that almost by default cause you to fail. Goals that are not feasible, realistic or meaningful. I always make my goals SMART (Read more in SPITZ ) Instead of saying you're going to be "healthier" this year, which is very vague, you can make a schedule that says you'll work two to three days a week (you write the exact days on) eat vegetarian. This type of goal allows you to track your progress, which is what you want. In this way, a goal is feasible, realistic and meaningful.

  • Find your Tribe

Support from family, friends, colleagues, and professionals can help you stick to your New Year's resolutions. It makes a huge sense to be held accountable. Sharing your intentions with others will help you achieve your goal. 

  • Have patience 

Just because you don't reach your goal in the first period doesn't mean you're doomed to reach them in the long run. As you review your goals, remember to be patient with yourself and the process. Forming a habit can take anywhere from three days to three weeks: be patient, you'll get there.


Habits that have been in your system for a long time don't change overnight. Change takes time and dedication. Be patient with yourself and remember why you set goals in the first place (Read the previous blog about this). It may take a little longer, but achieving goals is not a race. Health coaches can guide you in making goals and teach you how to achieve them, through measurable steps. A health coach holds you accountable for the actions you come up with and that is what greatly increases the chance of success. Just go for it this year, nothing is impossible. I really want to help you achieve all the goals you dream of.


Whatever your goals for the new year may be, go for it. 




During the 30-minute inspiration session with Saskia, we dive into your personal and professional goals.

This session is an opportunity to clearly define your goals and see how you can achieve them in a way that fits your lifestyle needs.

What are we going to tackle:

  • Biggest ambitious, realistic goals
  • Action steps and means to achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle tips to optimize your time,
  • Increase accountability and improve overall performance
  • What working with Saskia would look like

I look forward to seeing you.

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