In this blog I want to show you how important early detection of eating disorders is.

At your dance school there are a number of students who would like to make dancing their profession later on. They take lessons almost every day and you are very proud that they are growing so much. How wonderful it would be if they could go to a dance school to realize their dream. 

For some time you have noticed that one of the girls is getting thinner and thinner. Auditions for college are coming up and you think she might be trying to shed a few more pounds. She used to eat something between classes, but not at all anymore. You recognize the situation because you have had to deal with it yourself in the past. You decide to keep an eye on it but not say anything about it because you think she won't listen to that, you never did either. It's not so bad that you should worry. If so, talk to the parents/guardians.

The girl has been accepted and can go to training after the summer. Now she will eat again. But instead of her looking healthy again you see her getting thinner and still not eating anything. Now it starts to get worrying, what is wisdom?

It is very difficult because you are actually always dieting yourself and you always share everything you do with the students, also because you just like it and you notice that they are interested. 

You contact the home front. Her mother says she sees it too and is in her hair. When she brings it up, the girl gets very angry and just shouts that she doesn't want to be fat and that she is doing everything she can to become thin and that no one can stop her.

At a quiet moment between lessons, you try to have a conversation with the student.

She indicates that there is really nothing wrong and that she just eats. Her mother makes drama over nothing, it's all good, but thank you for looking after her, very nice. 

Yes, now you don't know what to do either and just leave it for what it is. They will probably pay attention to it later in the training, there is nothing you can do at the moment.

A few years later you hear from the student's mother that she has anorexia and is so thin that she can no longer dance. She has been admitted and hopes that it will be ok one day.

You are in shock and very sad, what a talent this girl had. If only you had done something to help her back then and not let it run its course.

You can't turn back time, but you agree with yourself that you will look at what you can do as a dance school owner to keep your students healthy, give them self-confidence and never give them the feeling that they are too fat. 

I want to advise anyone who has a dance school, as soon as you think you see something that looks like disturbed eating behavior, to raise the alarm. Early detection is essential. You can and should really do something. 

I think it is so important that we keep in mind that dancers and other young athletes and performers depend on the supervisors of their training, club or company. The fear of rejection and thus stopping their career always plays a role in that relationship. And because appearance counts in the assessment, these young people far too often develop eating disorders that they keep secret from their supervisors. That is why I believe it is necessary for them to be professionally and independently guided for their physical and mental health. Only then can they deliver healthy top performance'.

How do you do that at your dance school? Do you have conversations with students? Do you have information evenings about this important subject, do you have regular contact with parents of students who want to continue with this wonderful profession?

I would love to hear about your experiences, would you like to share them here?




During the 30-minute inspiration session with Saskia, we dive into your personal and professional goals.

This session is an opportunity to clearly define your goals and see how you can achieve them in a way that fits your lifestyle needs.

What are we going to tackle:

  • Biggest ambitious, realistic goals
  • Action steps and means to achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle tips to optimize your time,
  • Increase accountability and improve overall performance
  • What working with Saskia would look like

I look forward to seeing you.

Nutrition for dancers

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