Top performance from a healthy basis

For dancers

You can also learn a lot from each other

You haven't eaten in a few days but you don't see any difference, shit. How is it possible that you just see other dancers eating, and even sweet stuff eh and just not gaining weight. They also always get the compliments and the leading roles in the choreos, mega frustrating. You do your best but now you are close to despair, what do you have to do to lose weight? Being thin equals being successful so you have to look for something but you're SO done with it, it's never good enough either. You want help from someone outside the training, someone who knows what it's about and on whom your career doesn't depend. That would be so nice. You always loved dancing so much and you feel that, partly due to the enormous uncertainty, that love fades into the background and you hate that. You want the love for dancing back, just like your self-confidence, eating normally and being happy with your body. Not eating is something you can't keep up with so you feel like such a huge loser every time you binge. Someone has to help you before you can't dance at all.

What would it be like for you if...


You know how to set realistic goals that can be maintained.

if you walked into the studio, in an outfit that you feel comfortable in and not one that covers you completely, you look in the mirror and a smile appears on your face, you look great.


You can look in the mirror without breaking down

Your classmates come in but the knot in your stomach just stays away, yes, some of them are thinner but who cares, you feel great and healthy and don't have to do stupid diets anymore to gain confidence.


You know what your body needs

Your self-esteem is increasing day by day.

This is also possible for you

if you follow the group training:


€ 25,-: 3 x group sessions of 90 minutes 

After the three sessions :


Do you know how to make realistic goals

Walk into the studio and look in the mirror with a lot of self-confidence. All without having starved- and brought yourself down. Other classmates also walk in but checking and comparing are no longer part of your mindset.


Are you on your way to a positive body image

You can finally fully focus on working on your technique because not all your energy is wasted on searching for diets, starving yourself, and getting thinner than thin.


Do you know what your body needs

You feel so good and know that you too can get important roles and be accepted at auditions. You are not inferior to anyone else.

Do you also want this, together with other dancers

SPITZ group coaching

€ 25.- 


I would like to lose weight, is that also possible with the SPITZ programs?

You may lose weight but this will be different for everyone because everybody is different. Losing weight is not the intended outcome of this program. 

This program is not for you if your ONLY goal is to lose weight.

I have already finished college, can I still take the program?

Of course. You can also follow this program if you are already working in the dance world.

I don't have a diagnosed eating disorder, but my relationship with food is unhealthy, can you help me?

This program is ideal for you.

Is this program covered by insurance?

Currently, this program is not covered by insurance. But major steps are being taken to change this in the near future.

I don't live in Amsterdam, can you still help me?

Sure, we can do the sessions via Zoom.

How long can I access the online program?

You have lifetime access to the online program and any updates we make to it.

If I do want to lose weight, can I still follow this program?

Absolutely, you can. The feeling of wanting to lose weight can go hand in hand with a desire to heal your relationship with food and your body. As you progress through the program, you will find that your weight loss desires are put on the backburner. If weight loss occurs in the process, that's just a bonus.

Really nothing has worked what is different about this program?

I totally understand where you are coming from and understand that you are tired, frustrated and tired of struggling. But I honestly believe that things can be different for you because I've seen time and time again how life-changing this process is. If you're willing to take a leap of faith and have faith in the process (and me), I promise you this is unlike anything you've ever done before.

What if I cannot pay the entire amount at once?

If you cannot pay the amount in one go, SDB Healthcoaching offers a payment in two installments. 

I have an eating disorder, can I still follow the program?

Nothing replaces intensive specialized therapy for an eating disorder, but this program can provide additional support beyond personalized treatment. If in doubt, ask your treatment team for advice on whether the SPITZ program is right for you at this time.

SPITZ! coaching

With my coaching journeys


Take control of your overall health


Do you feel great in your body


Feel strong in auditions, classes, and performances


Restore your relationship with food


Restore your relationship with yourself


Do you have a career that suits you that you are happy with.

Are you still unsure whether you want to participate in a group trajectory?

Group coaching is for you if:


Crazy about battling this problem on your own


You are extremely frustrated with your relationship with food.


You really have tried everything and nothing works.


You want to feel relaxed and at peace with your relationship with food and feel strong again. 


You want to work with someone who has been through it all, who has been in your shoes. 


You are now ready to change course, learn, develop, and grow and say goodbye to your old patterns that no longer serve you.

“As a peak performance coach and professional athlete who has struggled with an eating disorder myself, I can attest that Saskia Debadts is a talented and authentic wellness coach. She has a deep understanding of personalized nutrition, the science behind behavior changes and helping others improve their outlook on the world. Personally, I have yet to meet a more genuine and a friendly coach who always puts her clients first. If you are looking to break through mental barriers, optimize your nutrition and improve your physical and mental health, I highly suggest choosing Saskia.”

Alex Wish

We also need to be honest about when this program is not right for you This program is not for you…

  • If you are unable or unwilling to devote 2 hours per week to learning and applying the content
  • Your only goal is to lose weight and you are not open to putting weight loss on the back burner for a while
  • If you have an eating disorder and are currently being treated for it by a professional, I want to contact your doctor first.



During the 30-minute inspiration session with Saskia, we dive into your personal and professional goals.

This session is an opportunity to clearly define your goals and see how you can achieve them in a way that fits your lifestyle needs.

What are we going to tackle:

  • Biggest ambitious, realistic goals
  • Action steps and means to achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle tips to optimize your time,
  • Increase accountability and improve overall performance
  • What working with Saskia would look like

I look forward to seeing you.

Nutrition for dancers

Discover in this free e-book how you need to eat as a dancer to deliver top performance.

Congratulations on your download, check your inbox for the eBook!