
Great, the final performances are over. A few last days to finish everything and then it's vacation! The year has gone by so fast and has been very hectic again so now it's time for some rest. Eh, rest, very nice and necessary, but there is also a slight panic, what do you do with all that free time, and all that eating and drinking and not moving, that never goes well...


Beach bed or summer intensive?

I always went to an international internship for a few days, really great. I could have done those lessons during the entire holiday at the time, but your body also really needs rest. Relaxing on a beach bed for a while can't hurt.

But the mere idea of doing nothing always made me stuffy. Then you don't move anymore, you eat and drink much more so you get fat, you get out of shape, soon you can't do anything at all and you have to start rebuilding everything from scratch. You will never lose those kilos and nothing will remain of your condition if you do nothing.


Black and white

Dancers are extremely driven but also often think in black and white. You really don't have to lie on your ass for 6 weeks and only eat and drink or stand in every lesson for 6 weeks, there is still a lot of gray area in between.


You decide for yourself

You know yourself and your body best, if you sit down for a while you will know for sure what is best for you. It is also true that you are a unique person, so don't look at what others are doing or what is said that you can do the best, that is entirely up to you. I'm going to provide you with some recommendations that you can do with what you want. During the year it is always so busy that you don't have (Or take) time to look at your habits and where you might be able to make adjustments, use your summer for that, that's the ideal time. And most things you can do on a beach; win win:)

  • Experiment with nutrition

During the year, if you dance all day, it is not convenient to suddenly start eating other things, but it is precisely during the summer holidays that it is the perfect time to do so. Try new recipes. My website contains the free download for the food diary 2.0 It is very important that you feel what different food does to you every time. Try to have a (flexible) plan ready before you have to get back to work, so you don't have to think about it too much during the year.

  • Make a plan 

When the holidays start it is really wonderful, and necessary, to do nothing for a while. When you're a little rested, look at how you want to spend the rest of the summer. I myself am someone who really likes structure and went for a run every other day, the other days I did yoga, during the day nice supping. Do you also think about your social life, that should certainly not be missing in your plan.

  • Write in a diary 

Now is a good time to think about what your goals for the upcoming new school year are and write them down. Tell a close friend or classmate your goals for the year so they can help keep you accountable and on track. By setting goals right at the start of the summer holidays, you can stay focused and in shape during the period leading up to the Christmas holidays.

  • SLEEP!!!!

There is almost nothing more important than sleep so take this time to get some good nights. And how about naps on that beach bed or on your blanket in a park or forest. 

  • Go outside. 

In nice summer weather, this is an easy way to stay in shape. Go hiking, biking, rollerblading explore new areas, get outside. Less social media…more sun! 


Yeah vacation!

As you can see, there is no reason to panic; you don't have to take 10 lessons every day, you don't have to stop eating and yes, you can also just do something other than a dance class. 



From July you will find 4 modules on the website that are perfect to do during your holiday. Simply because it is fun to learn new things and because it makes you mentally stronger and more resilient.

 In addition, try a physical activity you've never done before; I discovered supping, really so nice and you train your whole body with it. 

Have a great summer and rest well. If you are going to work with the modules and you need help, feel free to email me, I will be happy to help you on your way from my beach bed. If you are on social media for a while; are you already following me on insta? Let me show you what I do during the holidays.



During the 30-minute inspiration session with Saskia, we dive into your personal and professional goals.

This session is an opportunity to clearly define your goals and see how you can achieve them in a way that fits your lifestyle needs.

What are we going to tackle:

  • Biggest ambitious, realistic goals
  • Action steps and means to achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle tips to optimize your time,
  • Increase accountability and improve overall performance
  • What working with Saskia would look like

I look forward to seeing you.

Nutrition for dancers

Discover in this free e-book how you need to eat as a dancer to deliver top performance.

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