Public holidays

Last week I was at a study day where a great sports psychologist also spoke. He showed what a certain word can evoke for different emotions in people. I think of that when I hear the word: Holidays. For one a drama for the other pure happiness. If you belong to the first group, please read on, you too can enjoy the coming period.


What challenge can the holidays bring? For example, there are dancers who panic if they don't dance for two weeks. Naturally, many people are affected by the amount of food and drink. Being around family that doesn't bring out the best in you doesn't really help either. Or how about the stress associated with planning and organizing Christmas parties, arranging travel or even being alone during the holidays. All challenges for which there are ways to learn to deal with so that you too can start the new year fully rested. I'll give you five today.

  • Self care

This one remains at the top of the list and I can't repeat it often enough. Make time for yourself. You often hear the term self care as a hip term these days, but it is really very important. If you take good care of yourself, you can also deal better with others and other situations. From meditating to a wonderful spa afternoon, lying in the bath endlessly, taking a walk, just to name a few things. Find anything that makes you feel relaxed. And no, it doesn't have to be expensive, trendy or Instagram worthy.

  • Intrusive questions

Do you recognize this: Are you having Christmas dinner, are you being asked if you can eat everything you eat as a dancer, do you already have a boyfriend or girlfriend, are you already in a company...

If you're already done with the idea of these intrusive questions, make sure you start thinking about how you're going to set boundaries next week. Be the first to know that you're really not the only one who dreads this. What to do ? State your limits and say what you don't feel comfortable with. You will see that this will already make a major contribution to managing the stress this entails during your holiday. Simply saying, "I'm not comfortable talking about this right now, but I'd really like to hear about…" can help you express your needs while showing respect and interest in the other person.


Prioritize sleep and rest. A bad night's sleep can make anyone irritable and moody, which is why sleep and rest are especially important this time of year. If you're having trouble sleeping, try limiting your caffeine intake before bed (skip that post-Christmas coffee) and limit your phone's blue light at least an hour before you go to sleep. For me the breathing exercise always helps: 4-7-8: Inhale through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 7 and exhale for 8, repeat as many times as feels right for you.

Also, really pay attention to rest, which is different from sleeping – it means taking time to relax, whether that means going outside for some fresh air, putting down your phone to watch a movie with friends, or having a day doing nothing at all. Everything to let you relax completely.

  • Power supply

Listen; There is nothing wrong with eating differently this time of year. Enjoying all the goodies that pass by for a few days will not kill your career. If the thought of Christmas dinner and the many olive balls still causes stress, you can apply the tips below.

  • Eat balanced meals. The holidays can take you out of your normal routine, especially when it comes to food. If you know your evenings are going to be filled with snacks, booze, and a ton of sweets, eating meals that focus on high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats can help you stay on track. And if you find yourself looking at all the delicious desserts at a party, give yourself permission to eat them very mindfully, which means you really enjoy the experience and the dessert. 
  • Keep healthy snacks close at hand. At this time of the year there is always something delicious in the (refrigerated) cupboard that you can snack on. Instead of “saving” to enjoy these sweet treats, try a concept I mentioned earlier had: Crowding out : That means that you give priority to healthier food so that there is less room for less healthy variants.
  • Movement

What I started with under the heading, nutrition, also applies to physical activity; if you don't dance for a while, that won't kill your career either. In fact, if you give your body a rest it will be able to recover so that you can start fitter and stronger after the holiday. My coach taught me that looking for other ways to move and also have fun is really nice. You really don't have to hang out in the gym every day. Take a walk every day, go ice skating or swimming, go jogging with your dog or use your kitchen counter as a barre to do some exercises. Start your day with a wonderful online yoga class. If you really want to do something during the holidays, try to look for alternatives to dancing, take it easy and enjoy it.

New Year

Do you want to prepare yourself in the new year for moments when you are free and how you can enjoy them without eating or mental stress? On December 28th I will come up with a very special offer, if I do say so myself :) Keep an eye on your email and social media so you don't miss this promotion.

Until then I wish everyone a very happy holiday and for 2023 I wish: Top performances from a healthy physical and mental basis for all dancers in the world.

Source IIN



During the 30-minute inspiration session with Saskia, we dive into your personal and professional goals.

This session is an opportunity to clearly define your goals and see how you can achieve them in a way that fits your lifestyle needs.

What are we going to tackle:

  • Biggest ambitious, realistic goals
  • Action steps and means to achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle tips to optimize your time,
  • Increase accountability and improve overall performance
  • What working with Saskia would look like

I look forward to seeing you.

Nutrition for dancers

Discover in this free e-book how you need to eat as a dancer to deliver top performance.

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