Every time you stand on the scale and there is 1 gram extra on the screen, you are the first to look for solutions aimed at eating even less or, again, differently. Ok, this time again a carbohydrate arm, that also helped last time. Or maybe not eating at all for a week, that will certainly go well. Extra visit to the gym or jumping rope immediately.

It's really SO frustrating when after a few hours, because usually you don't give yourself too much time, or have an even higher weight or see no difference at all. Complete panic because that gram really has to come off and now.

I can tell you, you can keep this up for days on end, but it's not going to work. I have tested this method extensively for more than 40 years, without positive results. Yes, but never forever. The eye opener for me was when I heard the following sentence:

You can eat all the broccoli in the world, but if you're not feeling well, it's better to look at that first. And that, dear people, is a truth like a cow!

As always, I am very much in favor of an individual approach and I think it is important that you look at what is important to you in your life.

Balancing these areas has made me a much happier person and that in turn seeps into the rest of your life and therefore also into your eating behavior.

If you find it difficult to get a clear picture of your state of mind, there are all kinds of useful questions you can ask yourself that can help. I've listed some ideas for you:

  • What is going well in your life right now?
  • What is the most urgent thing you want to do right now?
  • What fears are holding you back from taking the next step?
  • What is your biggest challenge at the moment?

In the method it recurs in almost every module, because I have now seen that if you spend most of your life doing things that make you happy and give you energy, this also has a direct effect on your eating pattern and your relationship. with nutrition. And that's what we ultimately want, right?



During the 30-minute inspiration session with Saskia, we dive into your personal and professional goals.

This session is an opportunity to clearly define your goals and see how you can achieve them in a way that fits your lifestyle needs.

What are we going to tackle:

  • Biggest ambitious, realistic goals
  • Action steps and means to achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle tips to optimize your time,
  • Increase accountability and improve overall performance
  • What working with Saskia would look like

I look forward to seeing you.

Nutrition for dancers

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