You wake up. Your body hurts from yesterday's lessons, but pain is nice so you get over that quickly! Oh, and of course you're hungry too, but what's new. You get up, turn on the shower and see yourself in the mirror. Shit, better pay attention again because you've definitely gained weight, you'll see that soon. What a weakling you are. You shouldn't have taken that tic tac yesterday. Now you are definitely fatter than the rest of the class again and the next assessment will be a nice one again, but not really. Here we go again, will this ever end?

 It takes so much energy to deal with negativity, comparison, fear, guilt, and self-criticism all the time. It really drives you crazy. You just want to be able to enjoy dancing. If you lost less energy to this misery you could just work on your technique and get even better at what you love so much. How do others do that? Everyone pretends it doesn't take any effort to stay slim and still just snack, but that's not possible at all, right? 

Surprise; That is possible!

At a certain point I found out that all that bullshit didn't get me anything at all and I didn't want to put any energy into it anymore. Sounds nice but how do you do something like that. Especially because it's also in our Dutch DNA, nice whining, right? I can't describe how my life has changed when I stopped putting energy into something pointless. I would never have gotten to know the things and people that crossed my path if I had kept going. A new world has opened up for me. What a relief!! I really recommend it to everyone. As it says in my book; FLIP YOUR MINDSET, a new life awaits you.

If you consider that you have about 70,000 thoughts a day, it's quite nice if they are generally positive. In terms of mindset, there are a number of things that I have successfully applied in my coaching. I'm going to share one with you here: Turn your negative thoughts around. I hear you thinking, duh, I can think of that myself. Oh yes, but you're still doing it, so something is going wrong anyway :) Turn 'I don't want to be fat' to 'I want to live a healthy life so that I can raise my level even higher' and, 'I get only negative feedback' to 'how nice that they see me and want to help me further'. I am a huge fan of diaries. Write down all the negativity for a week and then see how you can turn it into something positive. You will feel the energy change within you. One last tip: Find a buddy who can hold you accountable! Really that's the magic trick! Do you still want an expert? Contact me and I can teach you much more: Top performance from a healthy physical but certainly also mental base! It really can.



During the 30-minute inspiration session with Saskia, we dive into your personal and professional goals.

This session is an opportunity to clearly define your goals and see how you can achieve them in a way that fits your lifestyle needs.

What are we going to tackle:

  • Biggest ambitious, realistic goals
  • Action steps and means to achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle tips to optimize your time,
  • Increase accountability and improve overall performance
  • What working with Saskia would look like

I look forward to seeing you.

Nutrition for dancers

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