It's not just about food, here's what you need to know

Every time you stand on the scale and there is 1 gram extra on the screen, you are the first to look for solutions aimed at eating even less or, again, differently. Ok, this time again a carbohydrate arm, that also had the last time...

4 tips to eliminate binge eating

Looking at this picture makes me nauseous. I think I could fill a decent sized swimming pool with the chocolate spread I've gobbled up. Why is it never carrots or radishes that play the leading role in your eating binges. Will you also be very...

4 important reasons why you should stop checking

Every mirror and every window. Always turning half a turn to see how you look, I really see everyone doing it. All to check whether you have already lost weight and look 'good'. Looking in the mirror is the most obvious...

Get rid of those scales, and here's why

Have you also changed the batteries of your scale before, placed the scale in different places in your house, jumped on it, shake it or even bought a whole new one? All because you couldn't live with the numbers on it...

Nutrition for dancers

Discover in this free e-book how you need to eat as a dancer to deliver top performance.

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